An unexpected gift of life

It’s been 2 months since I first took my dose of the triple combination genetic modulator drug, Trikafta. Two months of life changing feelings to process, emotional breakdowns, breathing deeper, sensing more life in all I do with an indescribable gratitude and newfound hope of what is to possibly come. Two months of navigating theContinue reading “An unexpected gift of life”

The wonder of it all…

As I sit here and reflect on how this past month on Trikafta has been for me, the most gorgeous, breath-taking snowflakes are falling steadily in their own peaceful rhythm. A soft snowfall. Serenity. All things are made new. It sparks a deep perspective within my soul. In all we are given..the joys, sorrow, struggles,Continue reading “The wonder of it all…”

“Don’t stop anything”

This past Wednesday I had CF clinic. It was my first appointment since starting Trikafta. I don’t know if this is the beginning of repeated check-ups like this one. If so, I may just be a sobbing-able-to-breathe-deeper-laughing-longer-without-coughing-no-longer-wheezy-singing mess for the rest of my life. All went..incredibly well. Typing now, I forever struggle to express theContinue reading ““Don’t stop anything””